Sonic The Hedgehog 2 validates Paramount’s plan for a Sonic cinematic universe and sets up what could be Sonic’s own version of the Avengers.
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 proves that Paramount’s plans for a Sonic cinematic universe make sense, and even an Avengers-like movie featuring Sega’s characters could now happen. One of the most curious trajectories in terms of Hollywood franchises in recent years, Sonic The Hedgehog went from an initial disastrous marketing campaign thanks to Sonic’s original design to what is now one of the most successful series of video game adaptations. At a time when many studios fail at turning IPs into solid movie franchises, Sonic The Hedgehog can serve as an example both for video game adaptations and blockbusters in general.
Even before Sonic 2 premiered, Paramount had already revealed plans to create a cinematic universe around Sonic. The first step to it was the announcement of a Knuckles spin-off show, in which Idris Elba will reprise his role as the red echidna. Sonic 2’s so far impressive box office run, which is breaking records set by other video game movies, was the last piece of the puzzle in Paramount’s plans for the Sonic franchise to move forward even faster. With the growth of the Paramount+ streaming platform and countless characters available in the Sonic universe, possibilities for a Sonic cinematic universe will not be lacking.
One of those exciting possibilities is that of an Avengers-like team-up movie featuring Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles. While Sonic 2 showed the three characters fighting side by side, it was only by the end of the movie that echidna realized he was fighting for the wrong side, leading Knuckles to turn against Eggman. With Knuckles now assuming his role as a hero in the story and Tails properly introduced, Sonic 2 set the stage for a crossover movie focused entirely on the team formed by the three characters, just like in the 2004 game Sonic Heroes. With the possible departure of Jim Carrey from the Sonic franchise and the possibility of the formula of the first two films becoming worn out, a story that strayed away from the current storyline and instead focused on a single huge-scale mission that Team Sonic must team up for would inject a bit of fresh air in the franchise and make Sonic’s cinematic universe something even closer to the MCU.
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A team-up movie later down the road would also be important, considering that Sonic The Hedgehog 3 will most likely focus on the complex story of Shadow The Hedgehog. Shadow’s backstory and journey from villain to antihero are big enough to fill the entire movie, meaning Tails and Knuckles would have supporting roles at most. With a Team Sonic movie being released close to Sonic 3, however, the franchise would ensure that the other characters in the Sonic universe would continue to shine. The Team Sonic movie could even become a constant in the franchise like the Avengers movies are for the MCU, meaning that every few years the SEGA characters would come together to face an enemy that is always more powerful than the last one.
The plans for the already successful Sonic The Hedgehog franchise seem to be bold, and Sonic The Hedgehog 2 has ensured that even an Avengers-style movie is possible. If Paramount really wants to make Sonic’s cinematic universe something comparable to the MCU, then a huge scale team-up movie featuring heroes like Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles is more than necessary. Whichever route is chosen, the future looks bright for Sonic.
Source: hipmodesreview
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